Rent Stabilization Landlord Portal 2023.9.18.1725
Account Setup
Your password must have at least 8 characters and contain a mix of lower case and upper case letters, numbers or special characters (e.g. !#$).
New password does not match the confirm password.
Your full name and parcel number could not be verified. Please contact the City for additional assistance.
Your PIN code entered is invalid.
An account already exists with your name and parcel number. Click
to recover your password.
Full Name (Only owner or authorized agent allowed.)
Email Address
Your password must have at least 8 characters and contain a mix of lower case and upper case letters, numbers or special characters (e.g. !#$).
Confirm Password
Assessor's Parcel Number (APN)
PIN Code
This is a unique personal identification code that is mailed to the address on file for the owner(s) and agent(s).
If you have not received this, please contact the City for assistance.